Sunday, January 8, 2012

Fashion : A big blast...

I'm back after a long time. Days are little bit busy with these and that things. But somehow found a time to write something here.
I feel it's nice to talk about a common topic that have attention of all mankind. It's FASHION..

Since my biggest dream is to be a fashion designer, I have a pretty much interest on fashion. Actually what is the real meaning of fashion? Some one can say it is the way we wear, it is the way we select the combination of our dress colours, bla bla...  But, according to my thoughts, fashion is something we have in our minds. We always searching for fashionable things. We measure the fashion by the eye of the society. If they(society) appreciate the fashion, we think it's fashionable. But is it the true fashion?
As my idea, fashion is doing something that is different from others. That doesn't mean that that we should completely be different from others to be fashionable. There is a some kind of attractive fashion hidden inside every person. The people who recognize what their fashion is, are the people who are gleaming in the fashion world. Others who still going after the society's attitudes, are considered as ordinary people.
Fashion is related not only to the way, the colour of our dress. Fashion is everything. The way we wear, the way we walk, talk, our make up, way we behave in the society,  the words we are using, our smile... everything is related with fashion. Only the people who understand that can be the fashionable people.
Fashion does not need expensive dresses or accessories. It's just the way we combine the things we have. If we have a pretty good combination ability, every rough piece of cloth, every old piece of accessory can make a highly fashionable  man or woman.